
Why do I have to take supplements?

Category: Frequently Asked Questions
Created on Friday, 28 June 2013 12:32
Hits: 329

Supplementation is crucial to your success since you will be missing out on some important nutrients during this plan.  Your coach reviews your Health Status Intake Form  to assist you in selecting the proper supple­mentation for your specific issues (e.g., food allergies, digestive issues).  Your coach will encourage you to consult with your health care provider regarding any medical issues.  Three supplements that are mandatory on the plan are the ITG Multivitamin, ITG Omega, and the ITG Cal/Mag.  If you are having leg cramps then you may want to add the ITG potassium.  The other supplements we offer are ITG Plant Enzymes to help in the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates – including lactase for the digestion of the milk sugar lactose.  ITG Colon-Lax may be helpful for improving bowel movements/constipation along with cleansing and detoxifying bowels.  ITG Antiox Caps combines an extensive array of nutrients that combat free radicals and helps support the detoxification of chemicals and heavy metals. We also offer the daily required supplements in an easy to carry bubble pack.  (2/day).  Or in individual bottles.